Do Import, Do Transform, Do Save
Build and customize pipelines with DITS, and reduce your code complexity by letting us import, transform, and save your data with a single API call.
The lowest price
Costs are fully based on your needs
Data safety
We do not store any of your data
You need it we build it
Examples of usage
Download a CSV file, remove columns, replace some text, and get the file back
"download_file": true,
"module": "HTTP_DOWNLOAD",
"params": {
"url": "https://example.com/data.csv",
"module": "CSV_REMOVE_COLUMN",
"params": {
"column_names": [
"module": "TEXT_REPLACE",
"params": {
"replace_list": [
"tag": "NEW YORK",
"replace_with": "NY"
Upload a PDF file, convert it to text, replace and remove text, trim the file and get the it back
"data": {
"download_file": true,
"module": "PDF_TO_TEXT",
"params": {}
"module": "TEXT_REPLACE",
"params": {
"replace_list": [{
"tag": "TEXT_TO_REMOVE",
"value": ""
"value": "REPLACE_VALUE"
"module": "TEXT_TRIM",
"params": {
"start": 2, // REMOVE THE FIRST 2 LINES
"end": 9, // REMOVE THE LAST 9 LINES
"remove_empty_lines": true
Upload a CSV file, remove 2 columns, convert 2 string/char columns to a float, convert these values from BRL to USD and get the it back
"download_file": true,
"module": "CSV_REMOVE_COLUMN",
"params": {
"column_names": [
"params": {
"column_names": [
"Valor Unitário",
"Valor Total"
"params": {
"column_names": [
"Valor Unitário",
"Valor Total"
"base_currency": "BRL",
"target_currency": "USD"